My Psychic Prophetic Nostradamussness

Fortune of Death

In 1,000 years from now, well shit. I don’t know. I’m psychic and can’t tell you what the world will be like in 1000 years. I don’t know the winning lottery numbers either, but I can tell you a couple things prophetic.

Where will YOU be in a thousand years?

Life on earth in this realm and dimension is short lived compared to the life you’ll have after. It was designed for death.

I dream of hell a lot. I also dream of heaven. They are two entirely different worlds. I don’t know what gets you to heaven. I don’t know if Jesus Christ is the son of God, but I do know if you talk about Jesus around demons, they don’t like it. I do know demons hate going to church. I also know there really truly is a God, the Father, and God, the Son. That’s what they call themselves. And they are GOD. Not gods. GOD. I also know about 10 different cultural religions have a story similar to Christ, as if the story happened on a different plane of existence than ours before humans inhabited this realm. I also know there are dimensions in between heaven and hell, and the spirits of those worlds will claim people, so there’s probably a chance for some sort of paradise for good people who don’t believe in any god. Those worlds are not bad worlds to live eternally, but they are not heaven either. There are gods out there who are benevolent. But they are not God. They are fine with that, and in my opinion at this point, I’m glad they exist for those who don’t want to believe in God.

But I want to change that. I want paradise for everyone. Even the sinners, murderers, rapists… Nobody deserves hell. If you knew what hell was like, you wouldn’t want to send anyone there no matter how bad they hurt you. Even the ones with power will often scream in pain. I often pray for those in hell that God save them too. I don’t think I’d ever truly ever be at peace in heaven knowing what others go through in other dimensions.

You probably hated reading that, and you may think I’m an idiot now. I don’t care. I have fucking convictions and shit. I’ve seen and endured shit that I will talk about later in a book, but after all that, as a writer, I feel compelled to report the news as I see it.


Where will Earth Be in a Thousand Years?

Fuck if I know, but I can tell you on the path we are on now, this is what I see…

The Mayans declared this age an age where good conquers evil. We are at the beginning phase of it, so we aren’t going to see it too much. It’s more of a spiritual war time, and a time of change. In a thousand years, we will be 1/5 of a way into it. And there’s a good possibility that compassion, love, and humanity will conquer power, greed, and evil, or on the brink of it. But there will still be both of those lurking.


You may hate genetically modified foods, but that’s all that will be available. It’s good humans will have a way to nourish themselves without nature because we are shitting all over nature that nature won’t be healthy anymore. Nature will be poison. In many places, it already is. Now I’m not sure how we will handle water at that point, but I have a feeling it will be lab water. It won’t be free. You’ll have to buy it like you would the rest of your groceries.

It’s possible that we will have some form of natural preservation. We are lagging too much on environmental protection via law and enforcement of said law, but at some point, we will realize the gravity of the situation, and we will have knowledge from scientific advancements that will help us preserve what’s left, and it will be a huge priority that has been shoved under the rug in this era.

America, Government, and The World Powers

I don’t see America falling like Rome. I see it morphing into either a world power (and getting larger), or the rebel against world power (and getting smaller). I don’t think even a nuclear strike would kill our country. If anything, we’d fight the country that bombed us and take over turning them into a democracy with people in power who we approve of for purposes of our global objectives. A lot of you are still worried about Russia, but we built modern Russia behind the scenes, and they are exactly what we want them to be.

No government will work out well for the people because of evil. We will fuck up every system imaginable no matter how bullet proof it may seem. There will always be a class system. There will always be poverty. There will always be the elite living in luxury.

The American government will micromanage people because the current majority is obsessed with telling people how to live. There will be so many laws, anyone at any given time will be breaking a few of them unintentionally, and people abusing power will fuck the ones they don’t like over. It will be a lot like hell in that aspect because you won’t be able to trust anyone, and everything you do will be a passive aggressive war against your personal enemies. Power will be more desired because it will be necessary for survival.

Government will be more of a corporation than a government. They will own things. There will be a bank of the government, utilities of the government… Either in the form of the government owning these things in the spirit of making it available to the people, or in the form of laws requiring one to have these things with private corporations consisting of the government behind the government. The Obamacare mentality will spread to other industries.

I see currently, the majority, are wanting to HELP each other with good intentions. While they don’t approach it the best way, the important thing is the hearts are going into the right place, and eventually, because of that, there will be more peace and happiness and all that jive in some mysterious way in which God works, despite the ignorance involved with it.

There will probably be aliens among us. Certain breeds will favor one country over another, and their wars will carry on here. We probably won’t be doing space travel despite the aliens because they don’t want us there. They don’t want to be Americanized like we have every country we invaded.

Paper money will probably disappear and it will all be electronic. It will be worthy of a new slew of articles about the evil of the banking system and money system.

There will probably be a New World Order. Either the conspiracy theories are true, or something similar to it will form. With technology, there is a global community now. We will need a world government to police the internet, travel, and wars… and eventually laws that need to be the same no matter where you are like copyrights. It will probably be similar to when our states formed a federal government. Some countries won’t want it, and we will go to war with those countries.

The People

We will probably have evolved to handle more xrays and radioactivity.

People will be dumber, like the movie Idiocracy. A real education won’t be free. If they make college free, then a new higher form of education will charge money for it. Yeah, sure we’ll all be able to read, probably in multiple languages, but we won’t be able to think nor have the power to do so. We’ll be afraid to think for ourselves.

There’s a very high chance that women will be superior to men. I can see a world where there are more women in power than men because we are used to doing all the work. The men won’t mind because we will be taking care of them. They’ll play video games all day and drink beer while we man the jobs, the country, and the household.

The population will be smaller because there are very intelligent people in power who realize that the biggest impact on global warming is the people. It’s more than just consuming. Our existence is part of the problem. Once they talk others in power into their theories, there will be a eugenics movement bigger than anything we’ve seen in the past, but nobody will notice. They’ll probably sell all aspects of it to something people would vote for without realizing the ulterior motives.

What I’d Like to See?

I’d like to see a world where there is no more race. Everyone is all the races.

I’d like to see a world where there is no starvation or poverty.

I’d like to see a world where pain meds are safer, more effective, and administered more often. We may die from any disease that hits us, but it would be nice if people could live and die painlessly. I wish there was a shift in priority from stopping death to stopping pain. Instead, if you go to the ER, their primary mission is to help keep you alive, and not give anything for the pain because they don’t want you to be addicted and abuse it. Those with chronic pain are fucked because they don’t want to help those people. I’d like to see that end.

I’d like to see a world where love is valued more than money. Where the greedy want to give out of greed for love.

I’d like to see a world where people enjoy themselves. Where you can go to a bar and see people dancing for fun and pleasure rather than attention seeking. Where PTA meetings don’t suck. Where people are working a job they feel a passion for rather than something to earn a wage.

I’d like to see a world where people see our children are the future, and they invest more time into their children, and parent from a nurturing standpoint rather than a critical standpoint. Where our children’s education is a higher priority and a more discussed topic than cat videos and guns. Everyone is more concerned about making schools safer than making schools teach something. Yes safety is important, but our education system sucks. I’d love to see a world where parents get to do the parenting and the schools do the teaching and butt out of the parenting.

I’d like to see a world that doesn’t cut down all the fucking trees. For a few years, every car I owned, the AC went out in ways that couldn’t be repaired. I purposely tried to do more of my driving in the country because it was cooler than in town because everyone cut down all the trees and replaced it with landscaping small ass trees. When I drove in town, I had to stop every 5 minutes to make sure my baby was still alive. One time, I had to pull over and ask people if my kids could play under their tree in their yard for a few minutes to cool down. It was THAT BAD. If global warming is an issue, y’all gonna need trees for shade, or it will be hot as hell, literally. Ponce, Puerto Rico knows how to build a town. We need to be more like that. They have trees everywhere, and it’s beautiful and cool and breezy. They do that because it’s hot as hell down there.

I’d love to see a world that is happy.

This is part of Finish the Sentence Friday.

Finish the Sentence Friday

I would have edited to make it shorter and just keep the top part, but I was thinking it’s possible I’m right about some of this shit, and there’s a good chance they’ll read this 1,000 years from now and deem me a Nostradamus. It’s like my lottery ticket to fame. Of course, I’ll be too dead to notice, but why not? Right?

Check out more Finish the Sentence Friday posts at

Finding Ninee
Kiss My List





Dear Intolerant Christian Homophobes and Your High Horse, Dear High Horse too

I hear a lot of you guys complaining about the new Supreme Court Rulings about equal rights in the realm of marriage.

Homosexuality and The Bible and God

I honestly think your issue is fear.

In my Dr. Freud Voice – you are af-draid of your own sexu-ahh-lity and eem-moral dee-sires.

I know God is real. He’s not just a belief, and I believe all of our spirits are aware of it, but there seems to be two types of spirits out there. Those who embrace God for Who He really is and what He really intended, and usually those are the ones who don’t practice Christianity regularly (outside of black people; I don’t know. Their churches focus on the right things). Then there’s those who fear displeasing God by trying to follow rules, and they are usually your devout Christians because that’s one thing religion focuses on.

It’s important to point out to those Christians, you who this is written to, God intended us NOT to know good and evil so that we just are. Remember Adam and Eve? They didn’t know good from evil until the fruit. Why? Because God didn’t want them to know good from evil. The ignorance protected them. 

But they discovered good and evil for human kind. And the OT was about following a bunch of rules. And our ignorance is now what hurts us because we don’t know all the rules.

Those rules are important for the spirit. If you follow them perfectly, knowing all of them better than any attorney, without doubt, then you will be fine. You can go to God’s Kingdom. Happy Trails.

“For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.” James 2:10

But if you can’t follow them all, perfectly, then you can’t go to heaven. Happy Trials and Suffering. But that’s Old Testament news. 

Dear Christians, have you ever heard of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ came to earth and sprinkled all the humans with grace sparkles. Now, we don’t have to follow those rules anymore. We should try, but we don’t have to, and we are not to judge who is trying good enough. 

The New Testament says, “Forget the old testament. Just follow the 10 commandments and love each other and listen to your parents.” Something like that anyway. Don’t quote that. But many verses show that Jesus “fulfilled” the Old Testament to make the New

The rules you see in the OT were really impossible for humans to follow, especially with the amount of influence the negative worlds have on ours. God asked us to love at this point, and that’s all we are called to do, love. He did that to keep this world livable.

Some of those rules, the more we follow them, the healthier our souls are, but if we screw up, it’s ok. God heals the soul. It’s not about being good enough for salvation. It’s about God just wanting what’s best for you. If you follow Jesus, He will protect you from the burden of your sins, and we ALL sin very much so in our own ways.

A pastor’s sins are just as offensive as the addict in the front row. They both need redemption found at the foot of the cross.

But the rules and trying to follow them, especially to the level the churches enforce, feed the fear of not being good enough, and the demons are trying to remind you that for control. We all know an insecure person is easy to control–demons like to remind you of your sins to make you feel inadequate.

In turn, this fear of inadequacy creates a fear of one’s own sexuality. Instead of embracing your natural, instinctive urges, you try to cock block it internally, and that struggle is real, and it comes out in our culture, and in arguments where people want to tell people how to live.

When you say, “Don’t rub your homosexuality in my face,” what you really mean is, “Quit tempting me.” NO. I’m playing. What you really mean is, “I wish I were that free, but I have caged myself in the name of what I think is best for me and you, and I wish you would too.” 

But a domestic animal is in no position to judge the wild.

But your cage is not a sanctuary.

But you are afraid.

But Jesus was a humanitarian, and to truly follow Christ, we Christians would be more in line with His Ways of loving everyone, forgiving everyone, and helping everyone.

Love One Another Jesus

In His eyes, we are all children. If you have children, they really can’t do any wrong, but you still try to guide them to better days and a little character. If instead of looking at a homosexual as someone flaunting their desires in your face, if you removed the sexual crap and peeled away all the layers, you’ll see a child, like he is YOUR child. An innocent little child who just is following his cotton picking heart.

And I swear some of these churches and Christians are a hate organization fronting as an act of Love. They are evil fronting as good. They are works of the devil fronting as God’s work.

Hate is of the devil. That’s a no brainer. Every idiot knows this. Just about EVERY religion out there will tell you hate comes from hell and darkness. Hate is bad.

So when you see Christians hating, when you see yourself hating, that’s not God. That’s the devil using God’s people as an instrument. Don’t be the devil’s instrument anymore. Go on strike. Dare to love again.

But I still read crap all the time about Christian hate. Today. From my Facebook newsfeed today. Tomorrow will be a group of different stories…

A group of Christians operating out of churches for political endeavors are trying to stop an anti-discrimination law, even though the law exempted religious organizations. And now they are whining that they are the victims of harassment. Yeah. This isn’t Westboro, though looks like it doesn’t it?

Kid gets punished by a teacher for being an atheist, and of course the school isn’t doing shit about it. The parents are suing because that’s the only defense they have. Now what part about this story speaks of Christ’s love? Jesus would sit next to that kid at lunch.

And if you didn’t know, according to the great Yoda, Fear leads to hate. Scaring people into doing shitty things to people is not God’s work.

I read crap all the time about Christians spreading fear to control others. I read Facebook comments afraid the homosexuals are going to take over the world. That mouthy bearded guy who preaches from his car believes we are in a Christian Holocaust now. Not to mention, “now that this law has passed letting gays marry, it’s only a matter of time before they stop religious rights.”

Please stop scaring people.

There’s no Christian reason for this shit either because most churches, as I’ve had the Catholic church and a Baptist say this to me, will tell you that people I love fall under my grace.

Yes. You heard it. If you love someone, they are allowed to screw up. They are under your grace.

They are allowed to be atheist to fall under your grace.

They are allowed to be homosexuals to fall under your grace.

They are allowed to be things you don’t care so much about like rapists and murderers to fall under your grace.

And they are allowed to be an asshole Christian to fall under your grace.

But the point is, there is a battle between good and evil. God isn’t exactly on earth tricking people for their soul like the devil is, but there is a battle for our souls going on spiritually, every day. And you are taking from God’s numbers when you tell people they can’t sit with you on Sunday because their belief disagrees with yours.

You are taking away from God’s numbers when you post Facebook statuses and links to articles that make people feel less than a person for being who they are.

You are taking away from God’s numbers when you are not walking with Christ while telling everyone you are.

God doesn’t really care about the numbers. He cares about us. Jesus wants to bring in the stray, and the lost, and the unwanted. He wants to end their pain. These people are never going to know His gentle touch if you keep kicking them out of His church, whether literally or figuratively.

That’s where you piss me off with this shit. That’s why every time I see a Christian spew hatred, I come in there with some form of support for the wicked. I go in armed with the truth, loaded with love, and sometimes cocked with snark.

If you want to continue being a judgmental ass, that’s on you, but I’m here to tell you, that’s NOT GOD’S WORK.

If you want to do God’s work, then love. Love people as God loves them.

If it’s not a sin in their heart, then let that be God’s.

End the Suffering

Who is Getting Free Money from the Government during Tax Season?

Tax Paying High horsesMany people seem to be under the misconception that lazy people will receive a huge tax refund, or that people who receive a huge tax refund are probably lazy. I’ve even seen people say, “People who live entirely off welfare get huge refunds and here I am paying taxes…” Um. No. Let me school you guys on taxes, forgive the snark. I’m replying to a lot of stupid comments at once here.

I have managed tax offices and volunteered with VITA. In the tax business, we see two major types of taxes. The first half of the season is usually swarmed with easy tax forms of people expecting a refund. The second half is usually swarmed with complex tax forms (like farm income or a lot of investment income–love it when you sell a stock, really I do) and people who owe the IRS.

When you fill out the 1040, you are not paying taxes. You are reconciling taxes.

You pay taxes all year. If you have a job, they take money out for federal income tax, social security, and medicare. If you make income otherwise, sometimes the people paying you will take out money for your taxes, and sometimes they don’t; however, it usually is beneficial if you are making a lot of money where taxes are not being taken out, that you pay taxes throughout the year. You can send the IRS money any time. They love taking your money. Most corporations and businesses do such things. At the end of the tax year, you gather all your income and you figure out what you owed in taxes, and then you reconcile the difference.

There is no way someone solely living off welfare can receive a refund.

Huge refunds are generally a result of two things:

1. Overpayment of taxes

2. EIC (Earned Income Credit)

Both of those require one to work.

For overpayment of taxes, one not only has to work, but also pay out in taxes. Usually what happens is once you figure out all the adjustments to income and tax credits, someone gets back a lot more than they paid out, but they are still actually paying taxes.

Joe paid out 10 grand in taxes, and found out he only owed a grand. Joe gets a $9,000 refund.

Sue owns her own business and didn’t pay out much during the tax year for taxes. After figuring her taxes, she discovered her tax liability was $1,000. She writes the IRS a check for a thousand dollars. 

Joe and Sue both paid the same amount in taxes, but Sue believes Joe didn’t pay any taxes because he got a refund and she paid taxes because she didn’t. Sue is an idiot. Sue is also usually a snob. Really, Joe basically used the IRS as an interest-free savings, and a lot of times, Joe will change his W-4 increasing dependents and actually start putting a little aside in an interest-bearing savings because some Joe’s like to make money. 

Refundable credits are the only real free money the government gives via taxes.

Earned Income Credit is a different thing. Let’s first explain the 1040.

The 1040 can be summed up into the following equations:

Income – Adjustments to Income – standard/itemized deduction – exemptions = Taxable Income

Taxable Income on IRS Chart gives you the Tax.

Tax minus Non-refundable credits = new tax, and it stops at zero. You can’t have a negative tax yet. 

New Tax – refundable credits = tax you owe (now this can be a negative number)

Tax you owe – money you already paid = Refund/Payment 

It’s confusing, but I think it’s easy because I broke it down like this. Anyway, the EIC is a refundable credit, meaning you can get into the negative, and it’s usually the largest of all the refundable credits with the additional child tax credit coming in second.

welfare baby
What an asshole way of backing out of giving a gift. I’ll just assume that the taxes I pay for your education was a total waste of money.

Some people think people solely on welfare collect the EIC, but they can’t. In order to claim the EIC, you have to have earned income from a job. Government money is not considered an income. Some people on welfare do earn an income, but they don’t get the EIC based on the welfare they collected. It is solely based on the income they earned.

Another place government money comes up in taxes is claiming dependents and head of household. One of the factors in determining such things is how much money did one contribute to the children (with whoever contributing more being the winner). Any money received from the government used toward the children is considered to be contributed by the government, not the person who signed up for the services.

Illegal immigrants are not getting free money from us.

In addition, to claim the EIC, you have to have valid social security numbers. You have to be a US Citizen.

So who is getting the free money from the government?

Now let’s take a look at the EIC. It’s a curve. You get more if you earned more up to a certain point, and then the more you earned, the less you get.

The peak is mainly at people who make $14,000 – $17,500 a year. 3 kids will get you back 6 grand. No kids, you get about 500 married filing jointly and 70 otherwise.

Ask all the people working 40 hours a week at minimum wage if that whole “work” thing is working out for their pursuit of happiness.

If you work 40 hours a week at minimum wage, you would make before taxes, $15,080. Price tag for the American Dream is $130K a year.   It’s impossible to live off of 15 grand a year with 3 kids. The EIC levels the playing field just slightly by bringing it up to $20 grand a year. In comparison to the $130K it takes to really live in America… these people are NOT abusing the system. The system is abusing them.

I’m sorry, but a person who works 40 hours a week all year doesn’t deserve to be in poverty status. There is something wrong. Either they aren’t making enough per hour, or the cost of living is too high. Who determines both their wages and the cost for them to live? The corporations. And who is paying to fix the inequality in that realm? The government.

The real welfare mongrels are the corporations.



la-na-tt-attack-on-food-stamps-20131014-001It is the CEO’s and corporate executives getting bail outs for underpaying their employees and jacking up the prices while sitting in exorbitant mansions and yachts flying by helicopter for take-out who are the lazy entitled looking for a free ride. They want America to be their customer, yet they outsource all their labor.


I’m a lazy bitch. I know who the lazy people are. I can recognize my own. I’m what you call an expert on laziness. Rich people are lazy motherfuckers. Poor people are usually your slave labor work horses. Don’t believe me? Ask a rich person to clean your toilet for you and ask a poor person to do the same. You’re welcome.

Really. If you think poor people are poor because they are lazy, you are the one being lazy on the thinking.

Funny-Quotes-about-Rich-People-8In another note, if a man steals your TV, he steals. But we don’t flip out if someone comes in your house to steal bread. Our compassion kicks in. They need to eat to survive. If someone is so desperate to steal bread to survive, I mean, that’s when our hearts open up and give them the bread. Anyone who takes less than $20,000 a year from the government from taxes to welfare is stealing bread. That’s all. It’s not your TV. It’s not diamonds. It’s their bread. It’s the basic necessities to survive and nothing more. I don’t care if they have an iphone. I don’t care if they buy steaks with their food stamps. 20 grand a year is not much in comparison to what corporations take from the government in the form of bail-outs, loop holes, overseas investing, money laundering, lay-offs (unemployment), shitty wages… They are the ones coming into your house to take your TV. Don’t be a sucker. Quit blaming poor people for your sense of unfairness.



Tax Hunger Games


Bollocks For President

Welcome to Finish the Sentence Friday. I’m hosting this week, so read my bloggity doo on why you should vote for me for President, and then read the others at the bottom of the blog. If you find someone you’d actually vote for President, go Nominate them for the The Diabolical Mastermind Award at Blog Bomb Awards. BTW, none of us are actually running for President.

Finish the Sentence Friday

You should vote for me for President because I’d probably be assassinated within 2 years of office, and I might trigger the apocalypse (hey, don’t act like you don’t have a hit list you are waiting for an apocalypse to free you to kill).

Reregulation of corporations

politicians sponsors

At first corporations wouldn’t like this, but if we killed their ability to donate to candidates and their causes, they’d save a lot of money. Then I’d control their activity the way our country has for most of its existence, via taxes.

Tax Deductions would Include

  • Using clean energy
  • Proportion of wages (in other words, if the highest salaried people make too much more than the lower salaried people, the corporation is taxed higher than if that proportion is lower).
  • Buying Made In America items
  • Working with unions
  • Offering benefits (to include health insurance AND child care expense coverage)’

You didn’t miss my newbie benefit in the bullets did you? Wouldn’t it be cool if your job offered child care expense coverage?


Then there would be tax penalties for things like

  • having an employee who qualifies for food stamps
  • raising prices higher than 1% annually
  • import taxes when there isn’t enough Americans employed by a company

Plus there’d be new things like

  • amaximum wage maximum wage
  • closing loopholes and raising taxes (why should we have to choose when both sounds fun?)
  • changing the way businesses are defined making corporate board of directors personally responsible for incidentals, i.e. criminal charges for poisoning the water supply and stealing from people’s pensions
  • making certain laws like those the EEOC govern a criminal act to break (not only can you be sued for firing a person for being black, but you could also pay high fines to my government and serve some jail time… those fines would most likely cover our military)
  • Revamping Employment laws removing the need for unions. We’d provide more required sick days (no more will your server have to sneeze in your food to keep her job), redefine overtime, require holiday pay for people who must work holidays to be equal to overtime pay, have a basic requirement for health insurance offered, and certain institutions be required to have the man labor to SAFELY employ the job (i.e. nurses, production workers at a huge plant…). Abusers of the system would be fined heavily.

Program Face-Lift

government-wasteI’ve noticed a lot of government agencies simply do not function. Washington spends a considerable amount of time and effort determining how much money they will receive and what programs are offered every year, but then when you get into the details of each program, money is often wasted (as well as time) in poor management.

First I’d start with a Management Audit (especially hitting Veteran Affairs). Employees and people who receive program services would be surveyed. We would be looking at answering questions such as

  • How long did you have to receive program benefits? Do you think that was considered timely?
  • What steps would you take to expedite the program?
  • How well trained were the employees you dealt with? Did they ever give false information about the program?
  • When you call the office, do you get a human within 5 minutes?
  • Can you find the answer to your question on the website?

We would also look for things such as salary expense in comparison to labor output. Expenses that are unnecessary.

Then we’d take steps such as reducing the amount of paperwork, removing some micromanagement properties of the system, utilizing the internet, re-training employees in the program and job duties as well as customer service (wouldn’t that be nice?) and productivity. Basically, we’d set up the government programs to operate more like a business with pretty, user-friendly websites and an objective of actually servicing the community. No more will recipients be treated like burdens to society who should just be happy they qualify for services regardless of all the hoops we make them go through to obtain them.

We’d also remove the “use or lose” function of government grants. I think we would find that it cost considerably less to operate a lot of the programs we currently offer freeing up money to be used elsewhere in a budget.


My ideas so far are pretty practical, but this one sounds crazier than what it is… I was in the military. I know what good we do for this world. We are so much more than war. We develop most of the technology civilians use. We also build hospitals and schools in underdeveloped countries. People always want to reduce the military, but I’d build it bigger and stronger, but with more peace-time, positive missions. Why? Because out of all the programs in our government, the military gets shit done. It’s set up in a way that inspires one to do his/her job 100%, with pride. The work ethic, the morale, the teamwork, the honor, the core values… it’s what this country needs.

I would create a Federal National Guard with branches militarizing choice civilian government jobs… All those branches would have different training and requirements. Not everyone would undergo Basic Military Training as the military knows it, or be required to pass a PT test. It would depend on the “Branch.” All would also be utilized in war if necessary (and trained annually for their job in war time), but by their strengths of a life-long study as opposed to the current system sticking anyone anywhere needed, and they wouldn’t deploy for the most part. They would be designed to handle the home front.

For example, your regular cops would have to enlist and actually be trained on the weapons they use, and with the art of minimal force being drilled into their heads, and under the laws governed by the UCMJ. They would also deploy in a time of war when the President employs a draft; however, they’d be trained annually in war-time exercises but their primary mission wouldn’t change much from what they already do now. They would not wear BDU’s. Their current uniform would suffice.

troops to teachers

Another example, teachers. The reason a military branch? So they can use military bases for training, and military travel. Plus, we’d improve their pay. Not only do they get base salaries based on a pay grade just like the military (starting at a higher rank than E1), and better health insurance, but they also get perks. Free attorney. Free gym membership on bases. Access to commissaries and AAFES. BAS. BAH. This way we can also standardize the type of teachers we accept so that one state isn’t getting more qualified teachers than another state. Continuing training would be cheaper to do with base access. We can also station them where we need them (providing an option of waivers for certain things). When we are short on teachers, we can pull from the military to cover the loss. Plus, we get rid of tenure, still provide job security, and they’d have to follow the UCMJ making it easier to weed out bad eggs. The military also offers the finest technology the world has to offer, and teachers would then have access to that. Plus, everyone is concerned about school shooters… Well every teacher would be trained in weaponry and some Marine Corps Martial Arts, with a focus on securing a building. The biggest reason why I’d do this? Because everyone loves funding the military. Nobody likes funding education.

How could I use teachers in a time of war? Science and math teachers might deploy within our own country temporarily to help develop weapons. English teachers might be asked to write a press release. But the main thing is, their annual war training would involve securing a building of students and other civilians, and keeping them safe from the enemy if ever attacked. If war came to our nation as opposed to staying overseas like it has, we have no protocol for the safety of people outside of CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit. We can also train them to set up FEMA stations for times of disaster, and because they would already be federal employees, we wouldn’t have to wait on the states to do something. I mean think about every national disaster in America for the last 20 years. Every time, victims were waiting on their stupid governor to declare stuff, request stuff, and be proactive, and every time, the governor took his good ole time when the President was on air declaring the situation a disaster for them. Who would you entrust most in your community to give you emergency shelter and water? Outside of Church, your teachers. Plus it would be nice when in an emergency shelter if the people operating the shelter knew how to handle kids.



standardized test cartoon

So many people would hate this, but I’d federalize SOME of the public education. If you move from state to state, your kid’s education is going to be less than awesome because of the gap between curriculum between states. Something as important as education should be in the hands of the politicians people actually researched who they were voting. Of course, I’d still give the states some freedom to do their own thing, but the important things would be federalized…

1. Federal curriculum. Not micromanaged like current state curriculum. Just a basic outline of objectives. A teacher is free to use the best teaching method for the students in each individual situation… In other words, common core would be OPTIONAL. In addition, this would make it easier for parents to home-school or supplement education. As of now, most would rather read the IRS Pub 17 while licking someone’s ass than read through curriculum.

2. Federal standardized test, one every other year, and nothing more is allowed to be offered to waste every one’s time and change teaching standards. SAT 9 will probably be the choice for it. Test results can then be actually compared between states since they are all using the same test, and we’d have a better idea where we stand nationally because everyone is using the same test. We do this every other year because what happens is teachers spend more time preparing kids for test questions than actually teaching if we offer it any more frequent than every other year.

3. Federal computer labs. I’m so sick of seeing the schools in the ghettos with less equipment than the schools in suburbia. No more will education cater to the white people. Under federal jurisdiction, there will be equal opportunity.

4.  I’d offer college credits for every high school class, and options of taking college classes toward a specific degree paid for by grants. The idea would be to try to make a BASIC education free again. Today, a Bachelor’s degree is considered basic education for many entry level jobs, and it’s no longer free, and most of it repeats what was already taught in high school.

5. Remove education neglect. No more will parents face jail time for absences. Instead, if the schools were federalized, a federal government team could provide all the learning material on the internet for free, making it easier for students to miss school. While studies show a good attendance usually correlates with later life success, the issue is we send kids to school sick and contagious infecting the entire community with an epidemic in the name of attendance, and that’s just stupid and anti-productive (it increases absences). Yes there are parents out there who actually refuse to take their kids to school, and that would be treated as a case-by-case basis under normal guidelines for childhood neglect in general, and schools would not be the judge and jury on such a case. Instead, CPS and courts would handle it.


guns cheaper than healthcare

For some strange reason, we can drive to Canada and get our doctor visits and prescriptions for almost half the cost. The number one reason employers hate providing healthcare benefits is the rising cost of healthcare. It is the reason most companies stopped offering 100% insurance coverage and is adopting an 80/20 deal at best. Obamacare is forcing people into overpaying for insurance, something they couldn’t afford to begin with, and still sticking them with half the bill (in insurance, 80% coverage plus loopholes like deductions and what they are willing to pay for services ends up being more like 50% coverage).

In addition, people are less apt to seek medical counsel during well visits and most sick visits just to save money, or simply they can’t afford to get the medical attention they need, and this reduces the country’s overall health. This increases the amount of people who go to work with contagious, untreated infections. It reduces the amount of cancer screenings and other steps people can take for a healthier life making healthcare costs cheaper for all those on their insurance coverage.

The only solution it seems is to reduce health care costs, and to do it without killing medical progress (such as doctors are less willing to have state of the art equipment if they aren’t making enough to cover the expense).

We would start with Medicaid and Medicare. Most doctors charge based on what that insurance will pay. That insurance would just have to start paying less. Tax benefits would be offered for doctors who charge within the cost of living. Grants would be offered to doctors who wish to upgrade their equipment to more medically advanced equipment, but with a cap on what they charge for services to qualify for it. Medicare would also lighten up their qualification requirements so that people making less than $75,000 a year can qualify for some level of it to back up whatever insurance they have with something that actually pays for the healthcare. For instance, Tricare doesn’t cover ultra sounds, so under this program, most lower ranking military personnel would be able to receive ultra sounds. But also, if someone finds out they have cancer, this program would offer more options in treatment without the bill.


I would also change Hail to the Chief to The Imperial March.


But you won’t vote for me for President because:

1. I won’t sign up with a party platform. I’m nobody’s bitch, and they treat their politicians like they are their bitch. Of course, most of you don’t realize that, and we the sheeple are obsessed with feeding the power, and then bitching about it.

2. I won’t lie. Instead of telling you what you want to hear to improve my ranking and all that jive, I’d just tell you how it is. That will piss off everyone.

3. I think for myself. My ideas are based off my own observations and thoughts, and not of someone who told me what to do. In fact, I really hate being told what to do and generally do the opposite of what people tell me to do as a result.

4. I’m a woman. The men will be concerned that my period might spark WWIII, and nobody would take me seriously in my own country due to my vaginal disadvantage, but also, think of how the Muslims would react?

5. The same reasons most of the world do not read my blog. I have no idea what those reasons are, but I have a feeling they would still be relevant for this endeavor.

6. I have no funding. I won’t be a corporate bitch, so my entire campaign will be on a shoe-string. You might not take me seriously enough if my method of travel is not by flight, and I don’t have free Vote For Me paraphernalia to bribe you with.

7. I have a bad history my opposing candidate would use against me. I smoked, but I swear I never inhaled. No I wasn’t frolicking with an intern… that really is a mustard stain on my crotch.

Shit I did recently:

I created The Write Moms for a platform for mom bloggers. Join our Facebook Group!

I created the following YouTube Play List: Stuff My Friends and I Screamed Out the Window of My Car! 

I designed this for my store


Now check out the other blogs NOT running for President…
Remember, if you find one you’d actually vote for, go Nominate them for the The Diabolical Mastermind Award at Blog Bomb Awards.

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Best Tweets of America in 5 Words

America in 5 wordsI normally like to save best tweets for someone who twitters more frequently than I do, but I found some of these to be hilarious when hashtag America in 5 Words was trending. One thing I noticed, most people portrayed America as a summary of internet debates. All the mainstream sheeple-food from police brutality and racism to republican vs democrats seemed to make the spotlight. I focused mine on something more positive: Stereotypes of an American from other parts of the world.

When I disconnect myself from the internet and go out into my world to live, I don’t see police brutality. I see police looking for someone speeding. I don’t see racism. I see people trying to lend each other a helping hand. This country is comprised of more people who hate racism than people who hate race. More people who believe in human rights than people who don’t. More people who believe in tolerance than otherwise. It’s not as bad as we make ourselves look on the internet to other parts of the world.

Just remember, all these things are stereotypes. My country is still a land of the free because of the brave kind of place, and I don’t think the internet can change that no matter how much it tries to make us believe otherwise.

America in 5 Words

// companies and sunscreen especially seem to love white people.  

Swear I’m not racist, but white people can’t jump or dance, or tell if they are being racist or not…   //

// wouldn’t attempt deepfrying anything with gun powder in it…   

Gospel Truth right there…  //

I can tell when a politician is lying… his lips are moving. Oh, you mean how people think reality tv is real and not scripted… like the WWE.


  We also have Burger King. Don’t make it sound like we only eat crap.  

No actually I want a salad… Just kidding. Yeah supersize those fries and get me 3 Ranch Dipping packs. I mean, you say that like it’s a bad thing. Potatoes ARE a vegetable you know.//

This is the part where I’d like to remind people if we ban guns, cops would still have them…   //

// Tobacco. Don’t forget Tobacco.  

We should really send a greeting card and some flowers to these countries afterwards, like one that says, “You just got bitchslapped by America’s Swag.”  //

//’s the oath I once made… not as President… Enlisted military make the same oath.   

Some of those immigrants were actually, gasp, criminals. We wonder where we went wrong…  //

Of course, mine…


We are also the world’s number 1 customer, and the number 1 in debt.


CNN did a little diddy on where this came from and some of the more boring tweets people kept repeating…

My friend put this book together. You should go buy it.

The least boring perspective you will read about economics and minimum wage: common sense curriculum

Idiocracy looking on corporate America

I’ve seen some heated debates where people are ready to pull the fingernails out of each other over topics like gun control, Obama, whether or not God exists, celebrity gossip, breastfeeding…  But the dumbfuckery in a debate about economics…

First of all, let me be clear, I’m not an economist. Some of those guys are dopes anyway, dopes who will never get laid outside of the dream state, so that’s probably a good thing to put on my resume. But I did take Micro Econ and Macro Econ. I do read about it once in a while. And most importantly, I have a brain that is used to thinking for itself as opposed to accepting what the world tells it (the very basis of Macro-economics). I am not spitting out something I read like it’s my idea here. I wish more of you would do the same. I mean people quote internet memes like it’s the basis of their entire belief system. That’s so sad. It’s killing our country really. Thanks for contributing to the fall of Rome.

But as much of a specialist on the subject I am not, I can’t follow the bull shit people repeat from the geniuses of our country. It’s almost as if they watched one guy speak on Fox for 2 minutes, they think they are now economic experts.

The thing that gets me the most… Wage increases. America is scurred of a wage increase.

Let me tell you where I smell bull shit… I know inflation occurs without a wage increase. I know this because I just watched it happen to us. Gas prices went up, then the cost of everything else went up, hitting major cities first and the more rural areas last. Walmart did what everyone warned us in the 90’s they’d do. They drove out the competition with low prices and then hiked their prices up. That’s what they did. Those people were not idiots after all. Regardless, cost of living just went up. My grocery bill is triple today than what it was ten years ago. My gas, same thing. But you know what isn’t triple what it was 10 years ago? Household income. That didn’t go up at all really.

Cause and Effect Inflation

So now we know that it’s very possible for inflation to occur without raising wages. It’s been happening.

So people are telling me if we increase wages, inflation WILL occur because they saw it in their gypsy crystal globe sprinkled with fairy dust on Fox News. It’s a fact people. Really it is. And we don’t want that to happen because bread will be $50 a loaf.

But inflation keeps occurring regardless. So basically you strained your brain and your idea of a solution is to keep wages at $7.50 an hour. Keep corporations paying so little for jobs that go beyond minimum wage not disturbing this universe with crap like unions and regulations… So then that way, bread will be $50 a loaf some day while you are still making $7.50 an hour.

Oh but you think YOU are immune to that because you know you are worth more than $7.50 an hour and can make more than that on your “credentials.” Your ego is cute. It really is.

You know what’s going to happen? I looked through my Crystal Globe and I’ll tell you what will happen with that… Right now, people working minimum wage generally qualifies for foodstamps, HUD Housing, welfare checks, and other various forms of government assistance. Something that wasn’t the case 10 years ago. In 10 years, on the path we are going with inflation and wages, the managers of Walmart, the electricians, the truck drivers… they too will be eligible for state assistance. Your middle class will be on welfare.

But if you want to be a google expert on economics, we know corporations will raise prices to pay for increased wages. Thus the perpetual cycle that plagues this country which is why a loaf of bread is no longer a nickel like it was for your grandparents.

minimum wage as percentage of median earnings 2011I’m not saying increasing wages is a solution to the economics. I’m saying it has to be done to keep the problem from getting worse. Money is there regardless what you do. It’s there. As of now, it’s not being distributed well. Corporations are not going to make any money off their price increases without increasing wages, well not unless the government will do it for them with your tax paying dollars that you earned (i.e. welfare). And most of that leaves the country now because corporations are operating globally with America as their top customer and some other country as their top manufacturer. So, what do we do when that government welfare runs out? Do you think these corporations are going to bail out the government in the same way the government bailed them out?

Trickle down economics: We give money to the rich to trickle down to some other country our government borrows money from.

The funny part is it’s the conservatives who hate to see the wage increase, the very ones who fear a socialistic state, and their ideas are taking us there. Fucking irony.

To the conservatives, unless you are in the top 2% of our nation’s wealth, which most of you aren’t (I know you want us to believe you are, <insert Cheshire Cat smile> in fact some of your opinions are there to position yourself as someone who might be, poser), what’s going to happen is you too will be on welfare. Your kids will be on welfare. Bedwetting welfare mongrels of the future. And even worse, when that happens, people might mistake you to be a liberal.

And so you know… according to the “experts,” the way to fix inflation is a supply/demand issue. In the case of America in 2014, gas prices were a major variable in this situation (thanks George W. Bush and your sneaky war and whatever you did with your corporate interests). The solution is to decrease demand for fuel by finding cleaner, go green options. If we all find a way to drive to work with less fuel, the overall prices of fuel will drop due to low demand, and prices to distribute stuff like cabbage and Hamburger Helper drop. Of course, no corporation is going to lower prices much if that happens (they’ll just give their executives a bonus), but if your local farmer can operate at half the expense, he can compete with corporate prices and grow. But nobody really cares about cleaner energy and finding other options because that would solve a lot of problems and God forbid that happen. America is just addicted to drama. Period.

I promise you that your corporate executives have no problem increasing their wages. It’s your wages that’s the issue. Don’t be a sucker. 

I’m sick of talking about Guns without Clint Eastwood references

This image was illustrated by Arnie Bermudez

I was raised on cowboy movies and good guy cheesy 80’s action heroes. So of course I’m naturally inclined to be on the guns’ side of the great gun control debate that plagues this country in this day and age. It was brainwashed into my being when Rambo saved the POW’s and Jose Wales sought revenge for his family spitting on people’s foreheads before he shot them. But it’s more than just Chuck Norris killing terrorists based on a true story…

Before I get started, I want to share my husband owns guns. I hate them. I don’t want them in the house though they are here. It’s nice to have a rifle like weapon in the case of economic collapse and zombie apocalypse, but outside of that, I don’t want them near my kids, though I let him take the oldest shooting. My father, the man who raised me on 80’s action heroes, the religiously zealous conservative, the Marine, never owned a gun. I wanted them as a teenager for “protection,” and my dad informed me he didn’t need a gun to protect his family. He knew better ways to “neutralize” an attacker than a gun. Police will tell you the best ways to defend your home… lock the doors. Get a dog. Most criminals are opportunity seekers. In my case, my house is protected (despite the guns) by poverty. We have nothing worth stealing, and nothing worth raping.

Back to gun control…

A recent Harvard Study suggests fewer guns doesn’t necessarily mean less crime. They compared homicide and suicide in DEVELOPED countries with gun ownership and found out in many cases, the increased gun control areas had increased homicide rates (for instance, Russia).

Then you have oodles of articles like this where it’s obvious the crime is higher in areas with more gun control policy…

Some studies that did show a correlation in the past, usually within the United States, has shown a correlation between gun ownership and homicide rates, but one of the studies suggested in its research that people in high crime areas are more apt to purchase guns, as opposed to all the guns causing the violence.

Yes, you people have been looking at it wrong. Guns don’t cause people to be violent. Violence causes people to go buy guns. I’m not saying this over a period of time as much as you see more gun ownership and homicide rates in the larger, more populated cities than you do in suburbia. Face it, if you were going to move from a penthouse to the ghetto you wouldn’t drive through without locking your car doors and ducking, you’d buy a gun.

Now I know some people seem to believe Violence in the US is on the rise. Well in recent history, that’s not the case.

A wonderful article explaining the decline in violence

Let’s delve into human history. I think it’s safe to say we are less violent as a human race, despite Mexico and Afghanistan, than we ever have been in the history of the human race. This is why people perceive us to have “evolved,” at some point as a civilization. Even our wars are more humane and less violent, as we just blow shit up instead of raping and pillaging those we didn’t bludgeon with a sword. I’m saying this to give perspective. Humans were much more violent BEFORE the invention of the gun. Crusades. Spanish Inquisition…

We were also much more violent before the invention of gangsta rap… (that was the last bandwagon in cased you missed it).

On the subject of Gun Control, we do need some gun control in the United States. We have gun trafficking issues and laws that interfere with our ability to crime control and crime prevent. According to National Gun Victims Action Council:

  • Keeping crime gun trace information secret: Until 2002, the ATF released aggregate crime gun trace reports to local police departments, researchers, policymakers and public safety advocates. The reports revealed for the first time that 1.2% of federally licensed gun dealers supply 57% of the guns used in crime. But, bowing to pressure from the gun lobby, Congress voted to restrict police access to crime gun trace data and cut off public access altogether. These restrictions, known as the Tiahrt Amendments (named for the Kansas Congressman who sponsored the bill), have passed in every Department of Justice budget since 2003, despite the fact that prominent law enforcement associations oppose them as a serious threat to public safety.
  • Handcuffing the ATF: The ATF, the sole government agency charged with enforcing federal gun laws, has operated without a permanent director since the Bush Administration, and operates with just 1,800 agents to monitor approximately 77,000 gun dealers. Given these constraints, it would take ATF 22 years to inspect all federally licensed gun dealers. Even if the ATF had the manpower to inspect most gun dealers, federal law limits the agency to a single unannounced inspection of a dealer in any 12-month period. Congress has made it increasingly difficult for the ATF to revoke licenses of crooked gun dealers.
  • An absence of records: It is impossible for law enforcement to know the whereabouts of millions of firearms in circulation today because Federal law explicitly bars the ATF from establishing a database of retail firearms sales, and private gun sellers are not required to keep a paper trail of transactions. Prior to 2001, federal authorities maintained criminal background check records for up to six months. Under President Bush, Attorney General John Ashcroft reversed this policy and ordered the destruction of all criminal background check records within 24 hours. Even though the General Accounting Office found that destroying these records endangers public safety, the policy remains in effect.

I honestly think every gun should be treated like a car. There should be a VIN/GIN number (serial number) in a database that is actively updated. Every gun owner should obtain a license to have a gun, one that includes a background check verifying US citizenship and address, requiring the passing of a test about gun laws and safety, and maybe requiring completion of a gun safety course that includes safety tips for storing the gun, tracking your gun, and special circumstances for those who aren’t mentally healthy. Responsible gun owners have no problem being responsible with guns, and this is just one way to do it. It will only annoy irresponsible gun owners, and we don’t care what they think because they are irresponsible. A national registration not only would make it easier for the ATF to track gun sales, but it would also make it easier for police to investigate gun related crimes.

What people really seek isn’t gun control as much as crime control. Let’s face it, our crime enforcement could use a little reform. We see too many stories of police brutality, crimes happening because the police didn’t arrive fast enough, and crimes that can’t be prevented due to the current legislation (such as stalking and harassment). We need stricter enforcement of our law enforcement. We need to expand their training to cover social work and mental health awareness. We need to invest time, energy, and resources into improving police reaction to crimes in progress.

I know the mass shootings have people uneasy. I’m uneasy. I drop my kids off to school thinking what would I do if it happened here? Parents open the locked door for other parents all the time. Are they thinking what I’m thinking when they do? Are they profiling the person they are letting in making sure they are safe enough to enter the sacred school grounds?

But the fact of the matter is, outside of conspiracy theories about bank snitches, many of the school shooters have a psychological condition. I did a huge paper in my Child Psych class on school shooters (as assigned by the teacher), and I was looking for meds the shooters were taking. There were some taking meds, some not on meds, and others we will never know thanks to HIPAA, but there was definitely a trend in psychological diagnosis. It wasn’t autism. It was mentally unhealthy with suicidal tendencies, period. Some were victims of bullying; others were victims of their own inner-bullies. One school shooter was the son of a man who shot up a place (nature vs nurture).

I wrote about this recently, in a snarky, bitchy post about mental health awareness as opposed to gun control, but I hit some ways to approach mental health awareness.

Meanwhile, we have a huge public education problem. Outside of standardized tests plaguing the system like a nasty case of the herpes and schools not making progress, (SAT 9 was the best, go back to it please), outside of the fact that our kids graduate stupid and can’t compete with most developed countries in the world, and despite the fact that we have too much policy on things that don’t matter (like education neglect for illness) and not on things that do matter (like anti-bullying policy and special needs in general), and not only do the schools seem to care more about looking good on paper and sucking up than they do about actual learning, people are afraid to take their kids to school. What can we do about that?

How about we expand our police and require one posted at school during hours of operation, more than one for larger schools, with a dog trained to sniff out bombs? We can smack 2 birds with one stone with this one. We’d increase jobs, increase crime control, reduce fights in the schools, and increase security in the schools safely. I know some people fear a “police state,” but seriously, when I was younger and prettier, the clubs had bouncers, and the 24 hour restaurant for breakfast afterwards had a cop. Like if we can protect the drunks that way, we can definitely protect the kids that way.

The important thing is we, as a country, should deal with scary things with bravery and courage. With our minds in the right place. Our hearts in the right place. We shouldn’t react with the same irrationality that created the problem. We had terrorists take our planes in the 80’s, and what did we do? We made a Chuck Norris movie about it. It happened again in the 90’s, and what did we do? Increased security where we pat down toddlers and the elderly for fingernail clippings and hair spray and then blow a large portion of our budget on homeland security spying on our internet usage and cell phone calls. Then we started a war with a guy who had nothing to do with it until we got a president who went after the right bad guy. Basically, we used it to further stupid political agendas of assholes who don’t care about your safety. Assholes that make it into conspiracy theories that make you think aliens might be real because it makes more sense than the truth as we know it. This is the chaos that will be the fall of America if we don’t stop that shit. I know, my cops in schools idea sounds irrational, but every bar does have a bouncer does it not? Every major bank and court has a security guy. Priorities people.
And I wrote this in response to a lot of bloggers writing to our congress, and what I really ask of Congress? Please, any members of the Congress reading this… I know your party’s platform has you on the phone fundraising more than doing anything productive for the people you serve. I know many times you vote for things you didn’t read, and many others based on what so and so at top sponsor of your campaign feels. Just so you know, they do have a word for that: people who sell out for money. They have lots of words for that. Lots of insulting mean words like sell-out. Traitor. Sell your soul to Satan. Backstabber. Whore. Don’t be those words. Those voters, those “nobody’s” are supposed to be your boss. We are the people you are supposed to be serving. Keep us in mind when you make decisions.

I know our voices are loud, many, distracting, somewhat ignorant, and contradictory. You can’t make everyone happy. The subject of gun control has the nation split into many different pieces, but I pledge allegiance to the American Flag and to the republic for which it stands, ONE NATION, under God, INDIVISIBLE, with the liberty and justice stuff, and like the whole pledge seems to be a lie. The sad fact is all we have to bring us together is our Congress, and you guys suck at that. Then politics is in charge of the justice system, and they suck at the justice thing too. I mean, our country sucks at everything it stands for. Equality? Nope. Liberty? Not anymore. Justice? Haha, never happened.

But the main point is while we are divided on what to do, we aren’t that divided for what we want. I think pretty much the whole nation wants to go a very long time without seeing anymore articles about a mass shooting. For every problem, there is usually more than one solution to fix it, and I think instead of arguing about which way you should solve it, maybe you should use that brain of yours that is so educated and fabulous to make you qualified to make your salary and give you that massive spending budget, and come up with a solution that is win-win.

And please remember, when you say really stupid shit, yes that makes you famous for a minute, but not in a good way. I just don’t think you guys realize the distinction between famous and infamous.

And just so you know, using a tragedy to serve your political agenda while instilling fear into the masses to see things your way, well, that is mighty white of you. Bang. Clint Eastwood reference.

Women who want to be equal to men have no ambition

So I watched this video on feminism and why this girl is a feminist. It’s a good video that encompasses all of the liberal feministic agenda including LGBT issues. You know, girly shit.

I was going to comment how I felt about it like any person does when they see something that makes them think or feel, like we get all dog humping a leg for some bacon excited about having a thought or feeling that we want to tell the world what we think. But then I was like, “Why waste this epic topic on a comment when I can blog the bitch.”

First, in direct response to the video about equal pay, rape, LGBT equality… I don’t care if you are a feminist or not. You can still shave your arm pits. If a monkey is living under your arms, it’s time to take out the jungle. And you don’t want people calling you Chewbacca because of your armpits. I’m sorry but it not only offends me, it scares the living shit out of me. I had a bad experience with hairy armpits as told here at Concert Experience of the Socially Awkward


Now, in response to feminism…

I’m a woman who worked in nonprofit accounting frequently dealing with pigheaded men in the state’s government. I left that to join the military, and then I managed tax offices before reproducing my awesome genetics as my contribution to society. I have been fired for showing too much skin “asking for” sexual harassment that I wasn’t even complaining about. I have been fired for getting pregnant. I have been raped, and I had to wait for some a-hole to retire out of the military before I could report it on account that he didn’t think women belonged in the military and was looking for any reason to twist something against me to get rid of me. He also laughed when I had a stalker leave a voice mail, one he listened to, in a spooky creepy voice saying he was going to strangle me with my own hair. When I worked at the non-profit in accounting, I did the job I was hired to do, then I took on additional roles including half of the Payroll Guy’s duties and all of a guy we hired for a certain grant’s duties. Both men got paid double what I made, and one had nothing to do but file things for people because I took his entire load on account he couldn’t do it and we weren’t getting paid. After all that shit… I am NOT a feminist. Like hell I’d be.

No. I had a magnet in high school that sums up how I feel. Women who want to be equal to men have no ambition. 

We are not less than men. We are not equals. We are better than them. Period.

If a man went through all the shit I went through, he wouldn’t have half the sanity I have. I totally believe that. In the military, I had to do my job twice as well to be considered an equal to many people. I did that. So did a lot of other women.

Empirical evidence suggests that girls outperform boys in academics for just about every age group. It’s common knowledge that girls are at least 2 years more mature than boys.

Physically, women are beautiful. We are not hairy oafs with an ugly ding a ling that would give little girls nightmares. No, we have curves. Less hair. Breasts and cleavage. Our vagina’s are like a blooming flower. We seduce men more than the other way around, and for a reason. We are just the better looking gender. Even girls are more apt to do a 3-some with another woman as opposed to two men. There’s a reason for that.

Also notice gay men are no where near the horn dogs of straight men? But lesbians are. Hmmm. Women are sexier.

In addition, our brains are generally smaller than a man-brain; however, we have more neuro-transferring bridges between both halves of the brain, meaning we use more of our brain than men do.

We are also the only ones whose body is useful. We can not only house a baby in our womb for 9 months, but we nurture it naturally while in the womb, and then again with breast milk. The only thing useful on a man is the size of a superball located near his ass.

Did you also know everyone is a girl to start? Yeah. While the chromosome determines gender, all males are awesome for a small, short period of their life until the hormones kick in and create some male junk.

So what does this mean?

Gentlemen lighting a cigarette

Men should open doors for us. They should protect us from scary things. They should totally kill the bug.

They should be allowed to whistle at our ass and compliment us on our cleavage. I mean seriously, ladies, you have the IQ for it being a woman, what is really the difference between complimenting your eyes or your bust? Both are biological features.

They should attempt to pay for the meal on a date.

We should get paid on performance. If we are outperforming the men, our pay should be higher.

Rape should never happen, and a real man would do anything to protect a woman’s innocence because they love innocence. Our bodies should be honored and admired, not treated like a consumable.

Men should listen to us not just because we are their mothers, but also because it is scientifically proven we probably do know what the fuck we are talking about.

Men should help with the housework. The entire load of all jobs and work should be put in a pile and split 50/50. If a man is getting a longer break than his woman, he’s not admiring her is he. Nope, he’s a pig.

I call pussy men pussies. Get the fuck over it. Nobody means it, in this day and age, that they are females and therefore less. Do you see happy people getting offended that we call homosexuals gay? If anyone should be offended at calling men pussies, it should be the cats, and they don’t seem to give a shit. Cats never do.

Because men really aren’t the brains or the boobs, all they got is their strength. Let them have it. Let them use it. The pickle jar should be their battle, not yours.

In the bedroom, there really should be an equal attempt at pleasing each other, but cmon ladies, if you know what you are doing, you can please yourself while pleasing your man, and we please him because we are better at that sort of thing than they are, and their hormones require it. I mean if a man doesn’t clear his balls enough, that is like a huge health hazard.

And because we are the superior gender, shave your fucking arm pits.

A great article on the biology of gender roles… It suggests women are not more emotional biologically, but our brains adapting to a male dominated society. Soak on that shit with a blunt and some tequila.

A good article about how boys are falling behind in academics (to girls)